General FAQ

  • Evenly split the minion tokens between both players and place them in each player’s base. There is no limit on the number of minion tokens you can play. If you run out you can take some from your opponents base.

  • No. Move actions only affect Minion Tokens that are already in play. Minion Tokens in your base aren’t considered in play.

Risk and Reward FAQ

  • Do the minions I destroy need to be in range of one of my minions in play?

    This doesn't need to be in range of any of your minions in play.

  • Does the spawned minion included when calculating movement?

    Yes. The spawned minion is counted when calculating movement. The same minion can be selected for multiple moves.

    Can I use the same minion for multiple “Move 1 Minion 1” movements?

    Yes. Each “Move 1 Minion 1” is a separate action. This does not cause the total amount of “move 1 minion 1” actions to change.

  • Can I leave spaces blank during my redistribution?

    You may leave spaces empty as the result of the redistribution.

  • Does “any minion” mean I can choose my opponent’s minions?

    You bet! This can be an opponent’s Minion Token or yours.

  • Which minions get pushed?

    As the moved minion enters a space all other minions that are in that space are pushed out. No minions will share a space with this minion at the conclusion of the movement.

  • What if the previous card I played was a “Risk and Reward” card?

    If the previous card was a “Risk and Reward” card repeat the effects of the previous card. If it doesn’t have effects that can be increased or decreased you may replay it’s effects without modification.

  • Can I use this to jump into my opponent’s base?

    Unfortunately you can't jump into a base. The base walls are just way too tall!

    Can I have the same minion jump twice?

    Nope. Each minion can only jump over a wall once.

  • What if I can't play two additional cards?

    If you don’t have two or more cards remaining in your hand you only play one.

  • Can “any” minion be my opponent’s minion?

    Heck yeah!

    Can I choose any group of four squares?

    You can select any square made of four spaces that includes the selected minion. This group can include any player’s base but, per usual, minion tokens in bases can’t be destroyed as they aren’t considered “in play”.

  • Can I play the card I return to my hand immediately or do I have to play a different card?

    You may play the returned card immediately

  • Do I need to move one of my minions back if one entered my opponent’s base during the frst move action?

    No, If one of your minions enters your opponents base you win immediately, even if you haven't finished all actions on the card.

  • Do I destroy my minion too?

    Yes. You destroy all of your minions in the space including the moved minion.

  • If I have a second “What’s This Do?” card in my hand, can I play it instead?

    Yes! If you have another “What's This Do?” card you may play that instead.

  • What if I don’t have any cards left in my hand that I can play?

    If you have no cards remaining in your hand then nothing happens. This card can't be used with What's this Do.

  • Does the card come back into my hand after I’ve played it?

    No. This card is discarded once it's played like a standard “Risk and Reward”.

  • Do minions in the starting space switch as well?

    No. The encounter doesn't include the space the moving minion starts in.